Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bread monthly meeting at Medical Teams Real Life exhibit

Our meeting for November was a trip to Medical Team's headquarters in Tigard Oregon. We toured the Real Life exhibit, which is basically a museum dedicated to showing what life is like for the poorest billion or so people on our planet. It is a powerful and moving experience. I like to read the familiar Matthew 25 before walking through to remind me that I am seeing Jesus in the faces of the people in the camps, clinics, and streets.

The exhibit shows the effects of disaster, conflict, disease, neglect, and poverty. You see pictures of people waiting in long lines for medical treatment, it tells the story of children kidnapped and forced to become soliders in Africa. You see a bosnian refugee camp which is basically a city of thin small white tents that stretches to the horizon, you hear the story of people who had to flee for their lives from conflict. You see and hear the story of families who live in a garbage dump in South America because its the only opportunity that is available to them. You see an African village that has been devastated by aids.

It ends on a call to action, showing that one group and one person can do when combined with the actions of many others. This combined action is Bread's underlying principle as well and has shone important results over the years. A small pond is there with a rock added by each person pledging to take some action, the rocks have built up to cover the bottom and so our work continues. Come and see the exhibit when you get the chance, it can be a truly life changing experience.


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