Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Resources from the Catholic Office of Justice and Peace

In an effort to provide up-to-date and useful information, the Office of Justice has created a new Resources section on our website (

These new resources include:

January 1st World Day of Peace Insert from the USCCB
Faithful Citizenship Insert from USCCB
Full Text of the Seamless Garment Speech from Cardinal Bernadin
Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching Quotes on the Human Dignity of the Poor

The Office of Justice and Peace has also added two new titles to our library:

Voices from the Street: Truths about Homelessness from Sisters of the Road by Jessica P. Morrell
Solidarity Will Transform the World: Stories of Hope from Catholic Relief Services by Jeffrey Odell Korgen

Both are ideally suited for both individual and small group use (Solidarity Will Transform the World also has an internet-based small-group study guide.)

The Office of Justice and Peace aims to be a resource for individual Catholics as well as for parish groups focused on issues of justice and peace. Please email for more information on any of the office's resources.
Click Here to Read More!

Christmas Message From our regional organizer Matt

Just wanted to wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Thank you all for your extremely hard work this year. It was certainly a year full of ups and downs.

I'm reminded of a passage in John Lewis' autobiography, Walking With the Wind. Lewis, the President of SNCC during much of the civil rights movement, talks about the need to be a "pilot light" - a steady light in the world that never burns out. It's easy, he reflects, to want to something more glamorous, like a firework, but movements are long-term endeavors. Movements require steadfastness - and we are required to be faithful even if it seems victory is far away. Not that all of your reading lists aren't long enough already, but if you get a chance, I highly recommend reading it. It's an amazing first-person account of the Civil Rights Movement, and it's a testament to staying faithful amidst great adversity, and what it means to be committed to building God's Kingdom here on earth.

In case you didn't see it, I wanted to share with you a note from David Beckmann, President of Bread - call it our "holiday letter" sans the picures of the family and the dog (or in my case, chickens). Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year. Let's keep the pilot lights burning in 2008...

Peace ane Blessings this Christmas,

Dear Members and Friends:

As our hearts prepare for the coming of the Christ Child, I have been pondering the mystery of God's saving activity in our time. Bread for the World members have worked hard in 2007 for justice for hungry people. In some ways our work has been rewarded with inspiring, hopeful change. Yet, we did not achieve all that we desired and prayed for. The Senate and House both passed disappointing versions of the Farm Bill. And yet Congress approved a $1.4 billion increase in funding for development assistance focused on reducing global poverty.

We still have our work cut out for us. The Farm Bill isn't finished and Bread for the World will continue to campaign for reform as the House, Senate and administration negotiate the final version of the Farm Bill early next year. And Bread for the World's 2008 Offering of Letters will focus anew on improving and expanding effective assistance to fight global hunger and poverty.
We are convinced that God is moving in our time to end hunger, and we are part of this great liberation. We also know that every great change in human history does not come in an instant, but through the steadfast, Spirit-filled efforts of God's people. So, I am deeply grateful to each to each of you for your support of Bread for the World, your unchanging commitment to justice, and your faithful action on behalf of poor and hungry people in every season of the year.

Merry Christmas, and may Christ bless our work together for poor and hungry people in 2008!

David Beckmann
President Bread for the World
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