Tuesday, August 14, 2007

One Campaign Update - Congressional Visits

In the coming session of Congress, our representatives will have a chance to save millions of lives, and all they have to do is focus on several crucial pieces of poverty-fighting legislation. We'll be tracking how and when members of Congress take action against poverty, but we can only hold them accountable for how they vote if we make sure that they know just how important these issues are to you, their constituents.
This month provides us with that opportunity. Congress has shut down for the month and your representatives are back home, giving you a chance to meet them or a high level member of their staff face to face.
This is undoubtedly the best way to make sure that your representative gets the message that you want him or her to fight extreme poverty.
You can get started now by either joining a lobbying visit, or organizing your own:http://www.one.org/event/lobbyvisits/?id=21-3533236-OO98mW&t=2
At your lobbying visit, you can convince your members of Congress to work on:
Pushing for as much poverty-fighting funding as possible in the appropriations process.
Supporting the Education for All Act to help provide basic education to 77 million children who don't have the opportunity to go to school.
Supporting the Global Child Survival Act to save the lives of the 30,000 children under the age of 5 who die everyday of preventable causes.
Co-sponsoring the GROWTH Act, to support women entrepreneurs working their way out of poverty.
Support full funding for Millennium Challenge Account to reward governments that battle corruption and do right by their people.
Take the lead in the fight against poverty and sign up for a lobbying visit:http://www.one.org/event/lobbyvisits/?id=21-3533236-OO98mW&t=3
Some ONE volunteers and field staff have been working hard to set up meetings with Congressional offices around the country, so in many places you will find that there is already a group of ONE members planning a trip to your representative's office.
If there isn't a meeting in your area, then you can simply start your own. After you sign up to have a meeting, you'll receive a complete guide to having a successful lobbying trip, and our field staff will be at your disposal if you have any questions.
Click Here to Read More!

New Offering of Letter's Sample Letter

New Sample Letter!

If you have not had an Offering of Letters yet but plan to, we have a new sample letter. The new sample letter is below or you can click here for a 1-page PDF.

The House passed its version of a farm bill last month and the Senate debate on the farm bill will (likely) start in September. Frankly, there were many things in the House bill that need to be improved. In particular, the bill continues our current commodity payment system that disproportionately supports the largest commercial farms, but does little to improve the lives of farmers of modest means here in America and abroad. The bill did make some meaningful improvements to programs like food stamps, international school lunch, and emergency food. We think the Senate can do better. Click here to see Bread’s reaction to the House bill.

Pray and march on…

I’d just like to thank you again for standing up in this campaign to reduce hunger. We knew this campaign was going to be difficult, but we’ve been a part of a tremendous coalition of anti-poverty groups, environmentalists, farm groups, and even taxpayer rights groups - that have been working together to build a case for reform. Many people thought we couldn’t do what we’ve done. But much of the journey is still ahead. We will keep you updated on opportunities to stay involved. For now, thanks, and onward…

Sample Letter
Senator ____________ U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Sen. _________________,
I am disappointed that the House of Representatives did not create a farm bill that truly addresses the inequities of the farm commodity payment system. The Senate can do better! Please do everything in your power to ensure that the Senate’s version of the farm bill reforms farm commodity payments to provide more fairness to struggling family farmers here in the U.S. and in the poorest parts of the world. It should also include significant improvements to nutrition, rural development, and conservation.
These reforms are important because commodity payments have been structured to help the largest producers of a few crops, at the expense of other farmers and other programs. Meanwhile, rural poverty is high and growing, as is hunger throughout the United States. We need to change these priorities!
Your NameYour AddressYour City, State, Zip
http://www.bread.org/take-action/offering-of-letters-resources/Sample-Letter.pdf - PDF version
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Medical Teams International REAL.LIFE exhibit hours:

The REAL. LIFE. Exhibit has the following upcoming evening and weekend open houses scheduled:
Friday, August 17 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Sunday, August 19 from 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday, August 29 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday, September 8 - 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesday, September 12 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Monday, September 17 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Sunday, September 23 - 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Tuesday, September 25 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Monday, October 15 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm

If you plan to bring a group larger than 10 people for any of these dates, please email me or call me to reserve your preferred time.

Please feel free to spread the word to people you know who may be interested in coming for a tour.

For more information or directions, please visit our website - http://www.medicalteams.org/exhibit

If you desire to not receive emails concerning the REAL. LIFE. Exhibit, please let me know.

Thank you,
Laurel Emory
Manager of Administrative Services
REAL. LIFE. Exhibit Coordinator
Medical Teams International
(503) 624-1000 ext. 1215http://www.medicalteams.org/
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Political Expediency Trumped Moral Responsibility in House Farm Bill Vote

"Political expediency trumped moral responsibility in the House's vote on the Farm Bill," said Rev. David Beckmann, President of Bread for the World. "In the end, the House made only cosmetic changes to the outdated commodity payment system that benefits the favored few at the expense of broader, more equitable support for U.S. farmers of modest means." 


"While obviously disappointing, the passage of the House's version of the 2007 Farm Bill is by no means the end of the push for broad reform. Wealthy special interests can only plug the leaks in the dam for so long.


"The tide of reform for U.S. farm policy is still coming in. Eventually, the flood of constituents calling for a fair farm bill will overwhelm the narrow financial interests of the select few.


"Although the House bill provides funding increases in nutrition assistance for hungry people here and abroad, Congress refused to shift money from wealthy landowners to farm and rural people who really need help. By passing up the opportunity to make needed changes in our commodity payment system, Congress also failed to reduce the negative effects of our farm policies on struggling farmers in Africa and other poor parts of the world.


"As long as our current system of commodity payments remains the same, we are hindering our farm and rural neighbors in this country and around the world from making a decent living and feeding their families.


"The Senate leadership can reclaim the moral high ground by giving priority to reform of farm commodity programs when they take up the bill in September." 


Click Here to Read More!

August OFRAH Meeting with Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Wed Aug 8th)


To RSVP for the August 8 OFRAH Meeting in Portland with Congressman Blumenauer, simply reply to this message or call Matt at 503-922-2182

I'm very happy to announce that Representative Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) will be at next Wednesday's (8/8) meeting of the Oregon Faith Roundtable Against Hunger (OFRAH) in Portland to discuss the farm bill, and its impact on hunger. I hope you'll be able to join us...

August OFRAH Meeting with Rep. Earl Blumenauer
Wednesday, August 8
9 am - 11 am
Central Lutheran Church
1820 NE 21st Ave.
Portland, OR 97212 (Map)
1 block off of NE Broadway on 21st
RSVP and Questions: 503-922-2182 or e-mail me by replying to this message

As you've probably heard by now, the House passed its version of the farm bill late last week, and now we're turning our attention to the Senate. At the meeting, hear Congressman Blumenauer's reaction, and learn about actions people of faith can take as the Senate prepares for debate in September. Congressman Blumenauer has been a tireless advocate for reforms in the farm bill that would reduce hunger in America and around the world.

OFRAH was formed in 2003 with the goal of bringing religious voices together to conduct direct service and develop solutions to hunger through education and public policy. Bread for the World has been working with OFRAH all year to make the case to our lawmakers that hunger needs to be a top priority in the bill.

Also joining us at the OFRAH meeting will be Dory Horn, Director of Care to Share. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about efforts to reduce hunger and poverty locally through direct service efforts.

I hope you'll be able to make it, and please forward this to your fellow churchgoers, pastors, friends, family - anyone who believes that we have a moral obligation to end hunger.

Thank you very much. To learn more about the farm bill, and why it's a significant piece of please visit our website at www.bread.org.

Peace and Blessings,

Matt Newell-Ching
Western Regional Organizer
(AK, AZ, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
Bread for the World
0245 SW Bancroft St. Suite B
Portland, OR 97239
(toll-free) 888-75-BREAD x1
(direct line) 503-922-2182
(cell) 503-381-3221
(fax) 503-766-3539


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